On 10/14/2013 03:32 AM, William Hubbs wrote:
> All,
> from what I'm seeing, we should look into converting /etc/mtab to a
> symlink to /proc/self/mounts [1].
> Are there any remaining concerns about doing this?

Apart from breaking umount -a and some other things?
None at all ;)

(The breakage is visible e.g. with umount -a tmpfs, which used to be
quite useful if you had a few chroots with /var/tmp/portage as tmpfs and
wanted to reset them. Now it'll also punt random things like /run if
you're lucky - and in the past it knocked out the OpenRC state directory

There are pretty good historical reasons for having /etc/mtab as a file,
maybe you should do some archeology before just trying to change things.

Applications that can't handle a properly set up Linux system should be
patched to either use /proc/mounts unconditionally or randomly segfault
to emulate proper Windows best practises.

> If not, it seems like it would be pretty easy to make baselayout create
> this symlink in the stages (I'm willing to do this work), but what about
> on systems that are already installed? Should we send out a news item
> and have everyone convert their /etc/mtab manually or find a way to
> automate that?

... you automate that, you get a few angry bugs.
Better to warn, if you absolutely have to, and let users consciously
remove features when they are ready for it.



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