Michael Palimaka posted on Sat, 21 Sep 2013 23:27:07 +1000 as excerpted:

> On 21/09/2013 10:49, Duncan wrote:
>> In addition to what the others have said, FEATURES= ??  AFAIK, FEATURES
>> is PM-implementation-specific and not part of PMS.  It's not something
>> ebuilds/eclasses should be messing with or care about at all, as it's
>> PM-private-implementation domain, not ebuild domain.
> Presumably he is talking about FEATURES in the context of adding them to
> RESTRICT, which is discussed in PMS.

That /does/ make a bit more sense, and I see others presumed it as well, 
but it was entirely missing from the OP, which really mixed me up, even 
after seeing discussion of RESTRICT in the replies, since that seemed to 
come from nowhere.

> (Not that it really matters anyway - there are plenty of non-PMS
> variables used in ebuilds. That's fine, they control portage features
> and will be ignored by other package managers.)

True.  I guess it's nothing to worry about as long as the ebuild isn't 
depending on the implementation-specific var for anything vital to the 
package, only optional bits.

Thanks.  Clearer now.  =:^)

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
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