On Tue, 13 Aug 2013 11:00:57 -0400
Alexandre Rostovtsev <tetrom...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> Tomáš, considering that libreoffice and libreoffice-bin were both
> broken on ~arch (so ~arch users did not have a compatible office
> suite to fall back on); the bug had 33 people in the CC list; a
> working patch was submitted, with a justification for why it is the
> correct solution, and was verified to work; and your response was
> (paraphrased) "I will look at this later" - I personally think that a
> small violation of openoffice team policies could in this particular
> case be forgiven.
> In addition, the policy itself is IMHO rather strange.
> If the goal is to ensure that any gentoo patch is visible to upstream
> developers and to libreoffice maintainers from other distros, so that
> they can merge it if they agree with the implementation, surely it
> would make no difference whether the patch got submitted to gerrit by
> Patrick before committing to gx86, or by you a week later? [1]
> On the other hand, if the goal is to avoid any divergence from
> upstream, presumably you want to first obtain feedback from upstream
> developers and an indication that they will merge the patch - in
> which case merely submitting something to gerrit, without waiting for
> upstream developer response, doesn't make sense.
> [1] on August 11, you had indicated that you would have time to look
> at the bug in ~10 days time.

Your arguments make sense but you should also consider it the other
way: When you are maintaining a package properly by forwarding patches
upstream, having $randomdev jumping in, adding a patch, and letting you
clean up the mess is kind of annoying.

Part of Tomas' original email was: I've googled it for you, now would
you please submit that patch upstream and be forgiven?


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