On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 10:52 AM, Michał Górny <mgo...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> ...so, allowing for the ability of 32bit userland with 64bit toolchain
>> (via, say, setting ABI_X86=32 in make.conf) using the eclasses is just
>> outright not ever going to happen?  Never mind not supporting it, but
>> essentially not allowing it?
> Nope. That would require every package to be multilib. The amount
> of work exceeds the benefit from it. If you really want to play like
> this, you are either looking for multilib-portage or some hackery
> in make.conf.

I don't see why that would be. I think it would require some profile
support, but that's simple.

For instance on mips I'd like to be able to build the toolchain as
64-bit binaries (tracked in bug 477956) as to avoid the small virtual
memory limit of the 32-bit ABIs. The rest of the system I want to
remain ABI_MIPS=n32.

As far as I can tell the things that would need to be built for N64 would be:

sys-libs/zlib     : DONE as of 1.2.8-r1
dev-libs/mpfr     : Not done (EAPI=3)
dev-libs/gmp      : Not done (EAPI=0) (part of baselibs)
dev-libs/mpc      : Not done (EAPI=0)
sys-devel/gettext : Not done (EAPI=2) (part of baselibs)
dev-libs/cloog-ppl: Not done (EAPI=4)
dev-libs/isl      : Not done (EAPI=4)

Under a multilib profile, gcc's libraries are built for each ABI. Same
for glibc.

I think this is doable, and I think I have a good reason for wanting
to be able to do it.

I have no idea why Tommy[D] or AxS want to do it. I've never discussed
my plans with them.

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