
Since LLVM builds have grown in size lately, I wanted to add some of
check-reqs-r1 checks to it. However, I'm having real trouble guessing
what the correct sizes should be.

Most importantly, as bug #479356 points out, using '-g' greatly
increases the build size. My small measures show that without that
option, LLVM has peek build space consumption around:

- 400-550M without clang (depending on targets),
- 950-1200M with clang,
- 16G with clang & USE=debug (assertions, checks).

Those measures were done with '-O2', USE=-debug and single ABI build.
multilib build consumes almost twice as much.

But if we change the flags, for complete llvm+clang:

- 1.2G for -O2 (as shown above),
- 12G for -O0 -g.

With such a difference, I don't really see using one of the two values.
If I go for the lower one, '-g' users may still hit unexpected
out-of-space issues (like the bug shows). If I go for the higher one,
many users (including me) will unnecessarily hit the space constraints.

What can we do to improve this? I'm not really happy to have LLVM
ebuild analyze CFLAGS to set proper space constraints. Maybe we should
make check-reqs-r1 automatically bump the constraints by some
statistical multiplier when it detects -g?


Best regards,
Michał Górny

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