2. should be nuked from orbit anyway, just curious do someone know any?

2013/7/29 Rich Freeman <ri...@gentoo.org>

> On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 4:57 PM, Pacho Ramos <pa...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> > Grepping in the tree, looks like only some old genkernel versions are
> > depending on it. Apart of that, what is requiring static libs in
> > cryptsetup and lvm2?
> This isn't the specific answer you're likely looking for, but the
> obvious answers would be:
> 1.  Booting without /usr mounted if any of cryptsetup/lvm2's libs are
> located in /usr (not the case for lvm2 on my system at least).
> 2.  Any initramfs creation tool that isn't smart enough to realize
> what cryptsetup/lvm2 are linked to and copy those into the initramfs
> (shouldn't be an issue in anything modern).
> Rich

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