On Thu, 25 Jul 2013 09:26:48 -0700
""Paweł Hajdan, Jr."" <phajdan...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> About one month ago I've filed
> <https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=474358> about modernizing
> toolchain.eclass by creating new toolchain-r1.eclass and migrating
> ebuilds using it to the new eclass.
> Please see attachments and review the code.
> One issue has already been raised, and it's prefix-related changes. I
> don't know what to change there, but I'm happy to test suggested changes.
> Then there is a question whether toolchain packages should use EAPI 5,
> and I think providing an upgrade path is a good concern. Given
> portage/python constraints though, it seems to me it would be fine. If
> you think it'd be better, I could use a lower EAPI just in case.
> All feedback is welcome.

I meant to work on this last week but got distracted.  I have a bunch of
build changes testing locally but need to make some cross compilers.

I don't think we will be moving to 5 very soon.  I have nothing against it but
Mike might be a harder sell.  I want USE deps so I'm going to do 2 at least,
then get the prefix guys on board for 3.

Like I said on the bug I don't think we want to do a new eclass (or if we did I
would make a toolchain-next for masked versions and backport stuff).

Ryan Hill                        psn: dirtyepic_sk
   gcc-porting/toolchain/wxwidgets @ gentoo.org

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