On 2013.07.23 01:57, Rick "Zero_Chaos" Farina wrote:

> I think the real difference [between the foundation and council] is 
> that most of the devs don't care what the
> foundation does as long as it keeps the lights on around here.  Most 
> of us, on the other hand, seem to care greatly about the 
> development
> process and key decisions around that.  If the trustees need to take
> emergency action to keep the lights on I trust them to do the right
> thing.  If the council has to take emergency action to allow systemd
> units to be added without maintainer approval.... well, you see how
> stupid that sounds?
> -Zero


The council should not be denied the ability to reach decisions 
between meetings for the few times it will actually be needed.


Roy Bamford
(Neddyseagoon) a member of

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