Justin posted on Thu, 18 Jul 2013 09:28:49 +0200 as excerpted:

> + case ${EAPI:-0} in
> +     0|1|2|3)
> +         eqawarn "The fortran-2.eclass is going to deprecate support


That reads strange to me.  Deprecated doesn't mean it no longer works; it 
means it's declared obsolete and recommended against but it still works 
for now, thus giving users a time to migrate.[1]

So "is going to deprecate" seems strange.  It should be "has deprecated", 
or rewording a bit more "support is deprecated for" or the like.  Because 
by the time someone's actually reading that output, the warning is 
already there; the deprecation has already happened.

Alternatively, keep the future tense and say "will be removed" or some 
such, or use a hybrid, "support is deprecated and will be removed".


[1] deprecate/deprecation online references:

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