Dnia 2013-06-21, o godz. 21:08:45
"Andreas K. Huettel" <dilfri...@gentoo.org> napisał(a):

> Am Freitag, 21. Juni 2013, 14:50:29 schrieb Markos Chandras:
> > That is true. There is nothing special about there m-w bugs. They are
> > still unresolved bugs, for many years. No need to treat
> > them differently.
> How can a m-w bug be resolved? Adding the package is unlikely to happen if 
> last request came years ago.
> My suggestion would be (this is how I handled it in printing):
> 1) leave message on bug 
> "Is anyone still interested in this?"

Er, unless you're going to do something about the bug, please don't
do that. Otherwise, it's like pinging someone and then telling 'ok,

Best regards,
Michał Górny

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