Today an interesting thing happened to my repoman, as I was committing a

>>> Creating Manifest for /home/ph/gentoo-x86/dev-lang/v8
gpg: no default secret key: Unusable secret key
gpg: /home/ph/gentoo-x86/dev-lang/v8/Manifest: clearsign failed:
Unusable secret key
!!! !!! gpg exited with '2' status
!!! Disabled FEATURES='sign'
/var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-lang/v8/Manifest,v  <--  Manifest
new revision: 1.321; previous revision: 1.320

Indeed my private key on that machine was expired:

pub   1024D/30427902 2009-08-05 [expired: 2013-06-10]

But after refreshing it (I have extended the expiration date) it is fine:

pub   1024D/30427902 2009-08-05 [expires: 2014-02-10]

I was surprised by repoman just dropping FEATURES="sign" . I'm aware
that at that time it has to commit an updated Manifest to prevent
breakages, so if gpg fails it proceeds, but is there something it could
do to check gpg sanity before committing anything?


Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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