Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn posted on Fri, 26 Apr 2013 19:19:32 +0200 as

> Ulrich Mueller schrieb:
>> Currently RESTRICT=mirror and RESTRICT=bindist are independent of each
>> other. I wonder if the former should imply the latter.
>> Is there any package where the files in SRC_URI cannot be mirrored
>> (i.e., redistributed), but where the built package can be distributed?
> I vaguely remember some cases of large proprietary packages which were
> legal to redistribute, but we did not want them on Gentoo mirrors. After
> all, the description according to ebuild(5) does not contain a reference
> to what you can or cannot do:
> mirror
>      files in SRC_URI will not be downloaded from the GENTOO_MIRRORS.

IIRC, one case was several gigs of data-files for some game or other.  It 
was legal to redistribute, but several gigs of files was thought too much 
for the mirrors, for a single game only a small fraction of gentoo users 
would be interested in.  Additionally, the game data wasn't likely to 
change as development had long since ceased, so it tended to be a one-
time download, meaning even users that used it would probably only do so 

It's quite possible that some bit of that is incorrect, however.  Perhaps 
someone from games can confirm/correct as necessary.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
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