On 22 April 2013 10:21, Alexis Ballier <aball...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> Sorry for bringing back this thread from the dead, but...
> On Tue, 5 Mar 2013 09:09:47 +0000
> Markos Chandras <hwoar...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> If there is at least one Gentoo developer in metadata.xml we assume
>> the package is properly maintained by him so
>> we never touch it.
> Does this include herd ?
Up to you but it will help us track packages maintained by users so we
can find another maintainer if they ever go MIA.

> Now, these packages have proxy-maint as co-herd, and I'd prefer people
> that are not familiar with ml (ebuilds have their set of specificities)
> not to blindly commit packages because it's proxy-maintained.

I made it clear on my previous emails that we do not intend to touch
packages maintained by other @gentoo people or herds unless
proxy-maint is the only herd in metadata. If someone violated that,
then it's best to inform him about this, in case he forgot.

Markos Chandras - Gentoo Linux Developer

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