Samuli Suominen posted on Sun, 24 Mar 2013 09:32:22 +0200 as excerpted:

> imho we should contact the sysrescuecd developers and suggest more close
> cooperation, such that it could be called official install media in
> gentoo-terms

I've wondered for years why gentoo invests all that effort into creating 
its own install media, when there's many dedicated projects out there 
whose whole purpose is live install/rescue media.  It has always seemed 
to me that we'd be better off simply using one of them and saving the 
effort for something closer to our core competency/mission.

Yes, there's some pride in being able to say we're self-hosting.  But is 
it /really/ worth it?  To me personally, the answer has always been no.

But gentoo, like most volunteer projects, is very much a "scratch your 
own itch" type of thing.  As long as there's gentoo devs with that 
itch... but /is/ there, any more?

And given that sysrescuecd is gentoo-based, there's a good argument to be 
made that having it as it our official install media isn't giving up on 
self-hosting at all.  In fact, by declaring it our official installer 
even as we recognize its independent place in the larger FLOSS community, 
we're recognizing its value and importance not only to us, but to the 
larger community of which we are a part.

Thus definitely ++.

The one big concern I have is that in our approach to the srcd folks we 
make clear we're *NOT* attempting to take over their project.  That's the 
sensitivity I see with the co-branded idea.  I'd actually prefer that we 
NOT do a co-branded thing, unless the srcd folks suggest it (this assumes 
yngwin's not srcd upstream and thus did indeed just make that offer, I 
don't know), and simply cooperate a bit more with them, filing bugs (and 
as their upstream fixing them in gentoo where possible), helping to fix 
the ppp networking config issues already mentioned, etc, while simply 
using their releases as they are.  If we want to point out that they're a 
gentoo-based project that we happily endorse in our handbook links to 
them, great, but I'm afraid a co-branded suggestion from our side might 
come across as an attempt to take over, and that'd benefit absolutely no 

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"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
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