On 03/03/13 16:42, hasufell wrote:
On 03/03/2013 08:11 AM, Alec Warner wrote:

There was a big ole' chat on #gentoo-dev regarding this. My
understanding of the summary is that the nvidia-driver Gentoo team
only supports kernels that nvidia themselves (upstream) support. The
Kernels > 3.4 are not supported by upstream, so they are also not
supported in Gentoo. I believe the ebuild contains instructions on
using user_patches to get these patches. The nvidia maintainers in
Gentoo do not want to be responsible for those patches though; this is
why they are not included (and why your commit was reverted.)

I do not find their stance wholly unreasonable. They offered to point
users at an overlay, if someone was willing to maintain the patches
there (in lieu of user_patches.) The end result is that if users apply
the patches, they will get an unsupported setup. There is a fear as
well, that the patches may damage cards (since the patches are not
supported by the vendor.)

What do we have useflags for in gentoo?

add a "unsupported-kernels" useflag, mask it, add a clear statement in
the masking reason and be done

IUSE="+vanilla" with the + if the maintainer wants should cover all the issues brought up so far

- Samuli

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