I have decided to remove autotools-multilib_* utility functions
completely since the sole consumer of the eclass does not use it.
 gx86/eclass/autotools-multilib.eclass | 84 +++--------------------------------
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gx86/eclass/autotools-multilib.eclass 
index 90f7bee..010c856 100644
--- a/gx86/eclass/autotools-multilib.eclass
+++ b/gx86/eclass/autotools-multilib.eclass
@@ -29,96 +29,22 @@ if [[ ${AUTOTOOLS_IN_SOURCE_BUILD} ]]; then
        die "${ECLASS}: multilib support requires out-of-source builds."
-inherit autotools-utils multilib multiprocessing
+inherit autotools-utils multilib-build
 EXPORT_FUNCTIONS src_configure src_compile src_test src_install
-# The USE-dependency to be used on dependencies (libraries) needing
-# to support multilib as well.
-# Example use:
-# @CODE
-# RDEPEND="dev-libs/libfoo[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
-#      net-libs/libbar[ssl,${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]"
-# @CODE
-# @FUNCTION: autotools-multilib_foreach_abi
-# @USAGE: argv...
-# If multilib support is enabled, sets the toolchain up for each
-# supported ABI along with the ABI variable and correct BUILD_DIR,
-# and runs the given commands with them.
-# If multilib support is disabled, it just runs the commands. No setup
-# is done.
-autotools-multilib_foreach_abi() {
-       local initial_dir=${BUILD_DIR:-${S}}
-       if use multilib; then
-               local ABI
-               for ABI in $(get_all_abis); do
-                       multilib_toolchain_setup "${ABI}"
-                       BUILD_DIR=${initial_dir%%/}-${ABI} "${@}"
-               done
-       else
-               "${@}"
-       fi
-# @FUNCTION: autotools-multilib_parallel_foreach_abi
-# @USAGE: argv...
-# If multilib support is enabled, sets the toolchain up for each
-# supported ABI along with the ABI variable and correct BUILD_DIR,
-# and runs the given commands with them. The commands are run
-# in parallel with number of jobs being determined from MAKEOPTS.
-# If multilib support is disabled, it just runs the commands. No setup
-# is done.
-# Useful for running configure scripts.
-autotools-multilib_parallel_foreach_abi() {
-       local initial_dir=${BUILD_DIR:-${S}}
-       if use multilib; then
-               multijob_init
-               local ABI
-               for ABI in $(get_all_abis); do
-                       (
-                               multijob_child_init
-                               multilib_toolchain_setup "${ABI}"
-                               BUILD_DIR=${initial_dir%%/}-${ABI}
-                               "${@}"
-                       ) &
-                       multijob_post_fork
-               done
-               multijob_finish
-       else
-               "${@}"
-       fi
 autotools-multilib_src_configure() {
-       autotools-multilib_parallel_foreach_abi autotools-utils_src_configure
+       multilib_parallel_foreach_abi autotools-utils_src_configure
 autotools-multilib_src_compile() {
-       autotools-multilib_foreach_abi autotools-utils_src_compile
+       multilib_foreach_abi autotools-utils_src_compile
 autotools-multilib_src_test() {
-       autotools-multilib_foreach_abi autotools-utils_src_test
+       multilib_foreach_abi autotools-utils_src_test
 autotools-multilib_src_install() {
-       autotools-multilib_foreach_abi autotools-utils_src_install
+       multilib_foreach_abi autotools-utils_src_install

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