Nuno J. Silva posted on Fri, 25 Jan 2013 22:06:35 +0200 as excerpted:

> I am almost sure the current check does *not* use config.gz but
> /usr/src/linux/.config. At least, I've not had config.gz enabled for a
> long time, and I've always seen the checks working. In fact, I think the
> checks print something along the lines of "looking for kernel source
> under /usr/src/linux... found config for linux-...".

Actually, AFAIK the current check looks for both config.gz and in the 
kernel sources dir, since often one or the other isn't available, but a 
lot of the time one or the other /is/ available, as well.  (The kernel 
can be configured without config.gz, and the sources symlink might be 
stale and point to something not installed any more, or maybe the 
partition containing the sources isn't mounted, or maybe the sources dir 
is there but belongs to a user other than portage or root, with 
permissions such that portage can't access it.)

So the current check is for whichever one it can find.  I don't know 
which it checks first and whether it checks both if the first is there 
but comes up with a problem, but if one is there and not the other, it 
should properly find and use the one, regardless of which one it is.

(Of course the checks are in the eclass.  Anyone sufficiently curious 
could just go look to see what it did.)

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
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