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On 19/01/13 05:33 AM, Rich Freeman wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 3:18 AM, Ben de Groot <yng...@gentoo.org>
> wrote:
>> I'm not sure whether we need to keep cups at all. I haven't
>> printed anything from my personal PC or laptop in years. And I'm
>> sure I'm not the only one.
> The suggestion that few people actually print anything ever really 
> seems "out of touch" to me, but it could easily be 
> cultural/generational/etc, and maybe I'm the one who is out of
> touch.

I'll add to this bikeshed..

I'll agree (as i believe most will) that the days are going where
everyone has a printer linked to their computer.  However, I also hold
the opinion that many (if not the majority) have access to a printer
when necessary, either via their network or (in the case of laptops)
via accessing a colleague's network.

We could certainly disable/remove cups from the default profiles, and
thus drop printing support -- but do we really want to put users into
a situation that they will have to rebuild a bunch of stuff for those
cases when the -do- want to print something?  I think opt-out on this
one is still a better option; if you *know* the install will never
need to print (or act as a print server), USE="-cups" is easy enough
to set.

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