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On 16/01/13 10:24 PM, Rich Freeman wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 7:00 PM, Michael Weber <x...@gentoo.org>
> wrote:
>> how does portage @preserved-libs work? maybe we could emerge 
>> @update[s] and @glsa.
> @glsa actually makes a lot of sense.  I'm not convinced we want 
> @updates as a shortcut for a bunch of settings though.  Sets are
> just about picking which packages to operate on, and overloading
> them in this way is going to just lead to confusion.  Sets should
> be nothing more than lists of packages, and then the other emerge
> parameters can be used to filter them.
> I'd just stick with a simple parameter like --upgrade or an 
> alternative command name like emerge-update.
> Oh, here's another crazy thought.  How about some directory in
> /etc that sets rules for emerge-update (or whatever we call it)?
> You might have a bunch of low-numbered rules that set/append
> variables like EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTIONS, and then a bunch of
> higher-numbered rules that actually run commands.  Then if you
> install eix or layman they could stick a hook in there to trigger
> their own respective updates.  A downside is that it makes the
> behavior of the command a bit less predictable.  An upside is that
> the behavior of the command will only change subject to config file
> protection (well, sort-of - additional rule files don't typically
> trigger protection).
> Rich
That is a very interesting idea -- especially considering the
implications of multiple stages, ie, "emerge-update" could be
configured to --sync, then -uDwhatever @world , then --depclean, then
revdep-rebuild, simply by having four entries in /etc/emerge-update.

Of course when looking at this kind of functionality we're probably
looking at something that would almost be better to leave as a
separate package (at least in the beginning) rather than putting it
drectly into portage; and that means it won't be universal yet...

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