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On 14/01/13 09:57 AM, Zac Medico wrote:
> On 01/14/2013 06:46 AM, Ian Stakenvicius wrote:
>> This particular symlink was put there by openrc though, wasn't
>> it?
> Yeah, openrc uses the migrate_to_run function from
> /etc/init.d/bootmisc.
>> So I'd expect that on the whole this should be left for openrc to
>> deal with or otherwise left to the user...?
> As things are now, the symlink is an orphan, and emerge will 
> automatically remove the symlink when the last package that
> installed something under /var/run/ is uninstalled.

...that doesn't sound good ; /var/run traditionally isn't a path used
solely via src_install() but rather a path used by packages at
runtime, no?  If that's the case, that symlink probably should've been
set up to remain until user intervention removes it..

>> [tangent] it's a bit late for /var/run , but i wonder if, for the
>> next path migration, there might be some way to account for which
>> packages use the old path, say, make a list somewhere, and have
>> the ebuilds remove their atom from that list as they migrate to
>> the new path..  Then once the list is empty the compatibility
>> symlink could be cleaned up automatically or the user notified..
>> Probably this would need to be handled via an eclass and specific
>> function calls in all relevant ebuilds, as i doubt there would be
>> a way to do this generically in portage itself. [/tangent]
> That sounds a lot like the existing behavior (automatic symlink
> removal by emerge).

OK i'm a little confused.  Putting my earlier note aside, if the
symlink will be auto-cleaned after no packages use it, what's the
point/need for the original message from portage then??  Is it just QA
for the ebuild maintainer?
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