
as you probably know by now, udev-197 has hit the tree.

This new version implements a new feature called predictable network
interface names [1], which I have currently turned off for live systems, 
because it
will require migration on the part of the user.

When you upgrade to this new version of udev, you will find a file
/etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-name-slot.rules on your system. It currently
has comments explaining what is happening.

As long as this file is in place, this feature is not activated. That is
why there is not a news item. If you do nothing, nothing changes.

What I would like to do is find some people who are willing to migrate
and report any issues they find.

I would like this to be the default for everyone at some point, so I
want to document the migration process and find out if there are any
bugs in tools because they expect the eth* names.




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