Eray Aslan posted on Wed, 26 Dec 2012 09:46:17 +0000 as excerpted:

> The current default mta in gentoo - ssmtp - has a more or less dead
> upstream and has some outstanding bugs.  It is prudent to change our
> default mta.
> Both mail-mta/nullmailer and mail-mta/msmtp are lightweight good mtas.
> Both packages have active development and provide AUTH and SSL/TLS
> support.

I've wondered about this for some time, and now seems as good a time/
place to ask as any.

Is there any "system-mailer" app that doesn't actually mail anything 
anywhere, nor run  constantly as a daemon, that is simply invokable as 
sendmail when needed, to take a message, format it appropriately, and 
drop it in some local dir (preferably configurably as maildir, mh-format, 
mbox, etc) where a mail client can read it as a local account?  No need 
to run constantly or to have actual network connectivity of any sort, 
just to be invokable when needed.

I ended up creating a script that handles it here, but it'd be great if I 
could find a proper package that handled that, presumably with a few more 
features than the hacked up script I came up with.

Seems to me if there is such a thing, that'd be a great option to be 
recommended in the handbook, for those who don't want to send the mail 
off to the ISP/MSP (to be examined by crackers, three-letter agencies, or 
simply rogue admins at the ISP/MSP), just to pick it up with their mail 
client running on the same machine that sent it in the first place!

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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