On Mon, 2012-12-17 at 11:23 +0100, Diego Elio Pettenò wrote:
> On 17/12/2012 11:19, Tomáš Chvátal wrote:
> > 
> > I've always myself override these defaults in make.conf to point for
> > /var/portage/ (not /var/lib because I never bothered enough how to
> > make world and config files to be put elsewhere :P).
> I would say let's work on that so that portage can keep them there.
> Although I'm more for /var/cache/portage myself, as both distfiles and
> tree can be re-generated.

I've been pushing for the portage tree to move somewhere in /var for

Also I think the tree and layman overlays should be under the same
master directory, then portage, pkgcore,... could just quickly scan the
master directory & sub directories to auto-add the valid overlays there.
No need to add them to PORTDIR_OVERLAY

something like

/var/cache/repositories/x11    <== overlay
/var/cache/repositories/local    <== overlay
/var/cache/repositories/distfiles    <== move it out of the tree dir.
/var/cache/repositories/packages    <== move it out of the tree dir.

Brian Dolbec <dol...@gentoo.org>

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