On 7 October 2012 04:37, Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn
<chith...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> Pacho Ramos schrieb:
>> Hello
>> I am noticing for a long time that bugs related with ekiga, opal,
>> yate... are completely unattended by voip team for years. If nobody
>> from that team is willing to maintain them, please move them to
>> maintainer-needed to, at least, reflect reality.
> The members of the voip team are usually interested in a few specific
> packages only.
> Many of the packages which have become unmaintained had a maintainer
> once, but these were retired from Gentoo at some point. The package
> was then left with the herd. Nobody in the herd was interested to
> maintain them but nobody was sufficiently motivated to speak out
> against this either.

Does voip herd belong to any project, is there a leader? Can you guys
get together and decide who is doing what? And then remove inactive
devs from the herd, and put unmaintained packages up for grabs /
assign to maintainer-needed?

That would make things more transparent and maybe get some movement in
open bugs.

Ben | yngwin
Gentoo developer
Gentoo Qt project lead, Gentoo Wiki admin

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