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On 30/08/12 09:14 AM, Rich Freeman wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 9:04 AM, Ian Stakenvicius <a...@gentoo.org>
> wrote:
>> The primary benefit to the policy that dev's should bump EAPI
>> when bumping ebuilds is so that older inferior EAPIs can be
>> deprecated and eventually removed from the tree.
> What is the benefit from removing the old EAPIs?

Simpler eclasses is the first thing that comes to mind.  Consistency
in the way the dependency tree is built would be another (when newer
EAPIs address such things, that is)

> Simply bumping an ebuild to EAPI=5 doesn't even guarantee that
> either of those features would be used anyway.

..although this could technicaly be true, I think most developers
would assume that bumping EAPI doesn't mean changing the EAPI variable
from whatever to 5 and that's it; the "bump" should involve
integrating any applicable features that the new EAPI offers.

> If there is a benefit from some specific practice, then let's
> adopt it.  However, I don't think that is the same as just bumping
> EAPIs for their own sake.
> When there is a benefit to adopting a new EAPI of course
> maintainers should try to take advantage of it.  If there are
> specific changes we want to try to make tree-wide let's try to do
> that too.  But, why bump ebuilds from 0 to 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 to 5
> when your only example of an end-user benefit would have been
> achieved if we just bumped from 0 to 5 in one step?

We used to have a policy that the oldest EAPI that implements all
features needed for an ebuild is the one that should be used.  Now (as
of when EAPI=4 was made official i think?) it's the reverse -- the
newest (official) EAPI is the one that should be used.  All this
policy change suggestion scarabeus provided is doing, is recommending
that developers bump EAPI when they bump their ebuilds, as compared to
only when writing new ones (which is all the current policy would
require us to do).

if you want another example, i'm sure end-user benefits would have
ensued if many existing packages that die in pkg_setup were bumped to
EAPI=4 right away and their checks moved to pkg_pretend.  Examples
prior to EAPI=4 are irrelevent as the policy was different then.

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