Hi! On Wed, 29 Aug 2012, Duncan wrote: > So in practice, just what are the sorts of times, relative to stand-alone- > build udev, we're talking about? In all this discussion, what, hundreds > of posts by now?, I've not seen ANYONE actually ask, let alone answer, > THAT. But it would seem to be a rather important question...
As a first crude datapoint, I compared the build times (configure+make) of udev-171-r6 and -188 on our dev Alpha. This is a machine that's on the speedier side of off-mainstream architecures, but as a datapoint, it should be enough. Tests were run just after ebuild [foo] prepare, i.e. patching was _not_ measured. Since the machine has enough RAM, everything was in the page cache. ver (1) (2) (1+2) udev-171-r6: 15s / 71s / 86s; 1m26s udev-188 : 28s / 636s / 664s; 11m04s 1: "./configure" time 2: "make" time Other observations: - The machine in question did not have dbus, or libcap, which some would argue need to be factored into "build cost". - I expected more difference for the configure phase, since it is what I usually perceive as the slow part of many builds when archtesting. Probably some packages suffer more from this than others. Also, configure does not run in parallel, make does. - Test suite run times were not checked. Though it looks like the -188 ebuild builds the test suite binaries regardless. - This was run as make -j1 even though the machine has 4 CPUs. One reason was to make the compile time longer for better measurement granularity, the other was that most slower machines (as far as we are concerned) are single-cpu. HTH, Tobias