On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 9:17 AM, Ciaran McCreesh
<ciaran.mccre...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, 23 Jun 2012 18:13:23 +0200
> Justin <j...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> Did you read what you wrote and thought about what you request from
>> others? Probably you better should.
> Uh huh, and I think we all know there's a huge difference between
> knowing what versions and slots are and knowing what "a multilib" is.
>> An example:
>> "...slots and versions to "mean" something other than what they used
>> to,..."
>> is completely useless without a description of what SLOTS are about
>> and how the should be used. And what is the wrong usage you can find;
>> examples are necessary here for understanding.
> That's covered in the devmanual and in the user documentation, so
> there's no need to repeat it here.


I don't think the documentation forbids what these developers are
doing. I think you implemented a nice heuristic for your users in your
resolver that used to work because slots had a typical set of users
cases and the heuristic performed well in those cases.

Now people are occasionally using slots in a different way and your
heuristic penalizes those cases. That sucks, but you might have to
actually change your resolver because I don't think 'funky-slots'
properties is going to garner much adoption. It just appears that the
heuristic you used to use isn't helpful anymore (or has too any false
positives, or whatever.)


>> To me, it doesn't solve the root cause, but actually I can't judge
>> this, because I am missing a description of what is really going
>> wrong.
> As I've already said, this isn't about solving the root cause. It's
> about reducing the impact of damage that's already been done until the
> root cause is solved properly.
> --
> Ciaran McCreesh

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