On Sat, 23 Jun 2012 10:06:58 -0400
Mike Gilbert <flop...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> > I don't quite understand why this would be necessary.
> >
> > Would "funky-slots" just be used in situations where ebuilds with
> > the same PV but different PVR have different slots?
> >
> > Taking the gtk2/gtk3 example, I think the -r200/-r300 thing is only
> > used in libraries; applications use slot deps to select which one
> > they need. Paludis should not remove the -r200 version if it is
> > still referenced in the depgraph, correct?
> Or maybe you are saying that Paludis will not automatically install a
> new slot for a package that is already installed, even when referenced
> by a slot dep?

The 'standard' behaviour (which can be changed by the user) for Paludis
when doing "complete" resolutions is that whenever there's a slot of
something installed, it will try to bring in the newest version of that
package, even if it's in a different slot. This is generally a good
thing, since newer versions are supposed to be better than older
versions. The problem is that now "newer" versions are being used to
mean "with a different Ruby implementation" or "built in a different
way", which screws up the meaning.

Ciaran McCreesh

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