On Sat, 23 Jun 2012 15:33:47 +0200
Gilles Dartiguelongue <e...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> Well the problem is simple, we need to ship webkit with gtk2 and gtk3
> support. This is needed because gentoo has gtk2 based desktop/apps and
> because we want to ship gnome3 for example.
> Cool thing is that webkit supports being built with each toolkit
> without conflicting with the build from the other toolkit hence we
> ended up using SLOTS.

You could just have gtk2 and gtk3 use flags in the ebuild, use
REQUIRED_USE to ensure that at least one is enabled, and build things
twice in the ebuild if necessary.

Yes, your ebuild will probably be fairly ugly. This won't be visible to
users, though.

Users will have to rebuild a version unnecessarily if they want to go
from having just gtk2 to gtk2 and gtk3 (or so on). That should be rare
enough, compared to frequency of bumps etc, that it's not a severe
enough problem to warrant a hack until a nice alternative is available.

> Shall we add that subject to next council meeting or do we just wait
> for QA's opinion here ?

I'd like to know why using USE flags until a nicer solution is available
is sufficiently terrible that it warrants a hackaround.

Ciaran McCreesh

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