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On 03/27/2012 03:13 PM, Ian Stakenvicius wrote:
> On 27/03/12 03:04 PM, Aaron W. Swenson wrote:
>>> You know, we have "Code Listing 2.1: Filesystem Example" in 
>>> Section 4, we could always adjust that to have a /usr/portage 
>>> partition in it (take a bit of space away from /home, or 
>>> something)
>>> It doesn't recommend/require anything, but when users see it 
>>> they'll think about it.
>> That isn't the way users read it, though. They read it and
>> assume that is precisely how they *need* to configure their disk
>> layout.
>> - Aaron
> Really?  It's been a while since i hung out in #gentoo, but i was 
> there pretty solidly for a couple of years and i don't recall any
> new user (to gentoo or linux) reporting in, saying they set up
> their disk(s) with all of those partitions.  They pretty well
> always followed the "default partitioning scheme" listed in the
> table in 4.b (which is used for every other example on that
> chapter).

Yes, really.

I've seen it often in #gentoo where a new user said that they did it
just like the example told them to, despite it being marked 'Optional'
they still thought it was required. It would take several of the
experienced users to say 'skip it' in four-part harmony to convince
the novice to move on.

The less we show regarding advanced setups, the less likely we'll have
support a new installation. We can hint at them somewhere in the
paragraphs, but we should avoid them in the code samples because
people don't read. They skim.

- - Aaron
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