Hello, I would appreciate if those of you with portage development experience and a moment to spare could please take a look at:
https://github.com/gmt/gmt-cygwin-overlay/blob/master/sys-apps/portage/files/portage- Not gunning for upstream or anything, but I would eventually like to start moving towards "not a complete pile of crap" status :) Notes: o based against a-few-weeks-old rsync prefix-portage o may contain a very few hunks that should arguably go upstream--I will make bugs for them and they are not what (I feel) needs eyeballs. o trying to actually run this may be difficult. let me know where you're stuck and I'll try to help. o I must admit, I pretty much learned python as I went, so... if you are thinking "that looks like a total rookie mistake" it probably is, and I'd probably appreciate your constructive critique. o I'll probably keep hacking on this so... moving target. But it's mostly working, I think. o This doesn't make any big changes to upstream code. So, If it looks like it might be a big indentation change, it probably is. o this is to solve the problem that, in cygwin, a running python crashes as soon as you change any filesystem .dll's on which it depends and fork() -- this is semi-orthogonal to the typical cygwin "rebasing" problem and distinct from it. The problem has nothing to do with locked files (except that my solution does use some standard portage file- locking features). -gmt