On 2012-01-01 11:50 PM, Olivier Crête wrote:
> systemd/dracut/etc handles /usr on its own filesystem just fine. What is
> required is that /usr must be mounted before the pivot_root away from
> the initramfs.

Nitpick:  I don't think pivot_root is used anymore.  It is basically
unlink, mount, chroot and exec now (i.e. switch_root).

RedHat made some bad design decisions on RPM (.rpmnew files anyone?) and
udev.  Udev was probably salvagable before systemd but noone has the
motivation or the man-power to manage the huge delta that would result
now.  It would probably amount to forking udev.  So people are following
along even if they are unhappy.

Plus Redhat did not support in-place upgrades last time I checked.  So
they don't really care for a lot of problems that are important for us.

Regarding the original question, I belive there are 2 issues here:
1. Requiring initramfs (or dracut or whatever) for separate /usr
2. Migrating /bin to /usr/bin, /sbin to /usr/sbin etc.

For the first point, we should start requiring initramfs of some sort
for separate /usr now.  That train has passed.

For the second point, we should hold on as long as we deem appropriate.
Then reconsider and -most probably- move ahead with the migration.  Main
point is not to break existing installations by making the move too
quickly.  Give sysadmins time to to adjust, resize partitions if
necessary etc.  Do not go for half way solutions (i.e. number 2 in the
original email).

As a side note, thank you and keep up your good work on OpenRC.  I find
it is easier, cleaner and in general superior to systemd especially in
server settings.  And for my laptop, I don't really care which init
system is used anyway.

Eray Aslan <e...@gentoo.org>

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