On 09/27/2011 09:37 AM, Ulrich Mueller wrote:
> Hi all,
> Below is a list of all local use flags that are used in at least five
> packages. Please check for your packages if one or more of the flags
> listed could be a candidate for a global flag.
> (I'm aware that some flags like "server" cannot be global. I didn't
> want to edit the output of my script, though.)
> Ulrich
>    17   tools
>     9   utils

tools, and utils, what's the difference? perhaps pick one and unify them
into global USE flag

>     7   okular

useless flag, should be USE "pdf"

>     7   openssl

invalid logic and useless flag, should be USE "ssl"
this has been discussed so many times it's getting old seeing people
still adding this :-/

- Samuli

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