On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 6:41 AM, Corentin Chary
<corentin.ch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> some news about euscan (still available at http://euscan.iksaif.net)
> - New design (yay !)
> - Atom feeds available for each herd/category/maintainer/package
> (http://euscan.iksaif.net/maintainers/59/feed/)
> - Specific handlers for PyPi, RubyGems, pecl and PEAR packages (check
> http://git.iksaif.net/?p=euscan.git;a=tree;f=pym/euscan/handlers;h=9a995dfcebe6beecce71851abb84a875cf6e5979;hb=HEAD
> ).
> Now, maybe we should find a way to integrate that with the GSoC
> statistic project and with http://packages.gentoo.org/ (like done at
> http://packages.qa.debian.org/p/php-net-ipv4.html ). A quick way would
> be to host euscan on a gentoo server, and add some webservices to
> publish the data in json or xml, then packages.gentoo.org and others
> could parse that and display it.

The Gentoostats app supports fetching data with json (just put 'json'
in the HTTP_ACCEPT header in your GET.


> Thanks,
> --
> Corentin Chary
> http://xf.iksaif.net

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