On Fri, Aug 05, 2011 at 12:46:04AM +0000, Robin H. Johnson wrote:
> The minimal initramfs would do the following.
> 1. Mount devtmpfs/sysfs/procfs as needed to access devices.
> 2. Mount real_root to /newroot
> 3. Read /newroot/etc/initramfs.mount and /newroot/etc/fstab
> 4.1. If /newroot/etc/initramfs.mount does not exist
>      Assume it contains only: /usr /var
> 5. Mount the combined items from said files

Should these be mounted rread-only or just mounted? Also, will
fsck still work if they are mounted?

I am concerned about /var being included in this because of the
potential of filling up the root partition. Upstream is only talking
about /usr as stated earlier in this thread, so how are we getting /var


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