On Fri, Aug 05, 2011 at 08:25:19AM -0500, Matthew Summers wrote:
> This, at least to me, seems like an excellent opportunity to nicely
> document what can be done with an initramfs (in basic and advanced
> forms, as there are some really fancy things one can do with
> initramfs's), and how Gentoo is recommending their usage in the cases
> outlined by Robin and others.

I'm all in favor of documenting what an initramfs does (or at least what it
is supposed to do), how it works, how to create one, how to debug issues
while booting with one, etc.

That said, I'm a bit hesitant to describing that we "recommend" it
regardless of the situation. What is wrong with describing when? At least
inform our users that the udev rules have evolved to more than just "detect
and mknod" scripts and that they are now relying on files and binaries
available in other locations, like /usr and /var.

How does the tool that creates an initramfs know which files to copy from
/usr and /var anyhow? 

Also, how well does this play with all our profiles (so not only the popular
architectures)? What about SELinux and/or grSecurity's RBAC model? Are these
supported throughout the initramfs?

        Sven Vermeulen

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