On 04/08/11 21:14, Kfir Lavi wrote:
[ snip ]
> Hi Markos,
> I'm contacting you to let you know that I'm still interested in your
> mentoring.
> I find it very hard to concentrate on the quizzes you sent me, as I'm deeply
> at work.
> I'm returning home everyday at ~22:00.
> I also have a family and a small 1 year old child, that needs my attention
> ;-)
> I did small part of the test.
> Do you want me to send you the test as is and we'll take it few questions at
> a time, or you need it full?
Please take if off-list, contact Markos directly. Thank you.

Krzysztof Pawlik  <nelchael at gentoo.org>  key id: 0xF6A80E46
desktop-misc, java, vim, kernel, python, apache...

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