On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 07:12:45AM -0400, Rich Freeman wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 1:09 AM, Mike Frysinger <vap...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> >
> > it would be nice to come up with some level of automated conversion.  no
> > matter how much we say "read the docs", there will always be people who do
> > not.  i think the reason the openrc upgrade has gone so smooth thus far is
> > because how much we've done to auto-migrate settings.
> >
> True, but wouldn't any further improvement in migration be essentially
> fixing the barn doors after the horses have left?  What percentage of
> our users are still running baselayout-1 now?  The fact that things
> have gone fairly smoothly suggests to me that further investment in
> migration code isn't going to yield much benefit.

I tend to agree with this angle. I do not see any reason to change the
migration code; we should have done that before we took OpenRc stable if
we were going to imho.

> I'd just leave it
> all alone for a few months or whatever to let people finish migrating
> and then start triggering deprecation warnings.  In fact, there is no
> reason to not generate deprecation warnings now - when openrc
> migration is still fresh in everybody's minds.

I agree more with this than attempting to do a migration. I will look
into getting deprecation warnings into the code.


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