Yesterday, I upgraded 'xorg-drivers' to the latest stable 1.10
& then found upon rebooting that X failed to recognise the keyboard.
Yes, it's happened before & I was not surprised:
I had to switch the machine off, reboot, login as root
-- experience long ago made me avoid booting directly into a GUI -- 
& recompile 'xf86-input-evdev', after which everything returned to normal.
Yes, there's a warning after the new 'xorg-drivers' has been installed,
but I wasn't sure exactly which pkg(s) needed remerging, so took the chance.

My point is that it looks -- to a naive user -- like a good opportunity
for another 'virtual', which wb satisfied by Evdev or equivalent.
This would avoid the problem when busy users miss the warning notice
(see a current users' thread).

Perhaps this would in turn need an extension of the 'virtual' concept,
to require rebuilding of the relevant pkg to satisfy the main emerge.
There is another thread today re 'revdep-rebuild' + Python + Perl,
which seems to cover a bit of the same ground.

Thanks as always to the devs for their conscientious unpaid efforts.

SUPPORT     ___________//___,   Philip Webb
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|   Cities Centre, University of Toronto
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'   purslowatchassdotutorontodotca

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