On Tue, 22 Mar 2011 19:08:53 -0400
Mike Frysinger <vap...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> > rsync -rlpgo . "${EGIT_SOURCEDIR}" \
> this means you need to have DEPEND="net-misc/rsync".  why not just use
> `cp -pPR` instead ?  i vaguely recall rsync being slower than a
> straight cp too ... not much point of doing a rsync when the vast
> majority of the time (all the time?) the destination is empty.

i think i remember doing some time tests using a tar pipe at one point with
subversion.eclass that blew cp out of the water.

tar -cf - . | tar -xf - -C "${EGIT_SOURCEDIR}"

might be worth looking at.

fonts, gcc-porting,                  it makes no sense how it makes no sense
toolchain, wxwidgets                           but i'll take it free anytime
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