On 21:30 Sat 06 Nov     , Donnie Berkholz wrote:
> On 10:22 Sat 06 Nov     , Krzysztof Pawlik wrote:
> > I'm sending this patch for discussion, what it changes? The change is 
> > to where the final clone of repository will be placed, it used to be 
> > ${WORKDIR}/${module} (where module usually is the last component of 
> > source URI) to ${WORKDIR}/${P} (essentially ${S}). This has few 
> > effects:
> >  - ebuilds using mercurial.eclass don't need to set S any longer
> >  - mercurial.eclass behaves more like git.eclass
> >  - it breaks all existing ebuilds using this eclass
> > 
> > The last effect is really, really nasty :( At the same time I think 
> > it's worth fixing this now, not when we have even more ebuilds using 
> > mercurial.eclass. Thankfully the fix to this is trivial: just remove 
> > the line where S is being set (or adjust it to match as is in case of 
> > one ebuild in the tree).
> Krzysztof,
> I see you've said you're breaking all these ebuilds but I don't see any 
> rationale for the change, at least in this email. Perhaps you could 
> explain why this level of breakage is necessary?

I read it more closely and realized I was a little confused by the way 
you listed all the bullet points mixing together benefits and problems.

So I'll try again: if you really want to do this change, you might want 
to consider adding a mercurial-2.eclass instead. Eclasses of this nature 
(svn, git, hg, etc) tend to be broadly used outside the tree as well as 
within, so breaking backwards compatibility can be a real problem. A new 
versioned eclass allows for a much more gradual transition.


Donnie Berkholz
Sr. Developer, Gentoo Linux
Blog: http://dberkholz.wordpress.com

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