* Duncan <1i5t5.dun...@cox.net> schrieb:

> FWIW, you (Enrico) might get more traction if you go a more "official" 
> route.  Do the whole FLOSS PR bulletin thing, announcing thru LWN, 
> LinuxMag, LXer, etc.  Slashdot and the like wouldn't be bad, either. 

Thanks for the tip, but I'm not actually good at PR and lacking
time for that ;-o

I better concetrate on talking directly to responsible people.
For example, when posting my changes to upstream, I point them
to the git repo/ref instead of text-based patches and add some
notes about the oss-qm project.

> Get a couple projects using it and it may well take itself from there.

That's actually the intention of this thread ;-p

> I mean, what would it look like if Gentoo did start using it, and 
> then it got compromised somehow? 

My ideology that distro people (eg. from Gentoo) not just use it
(as dumb downstream), but instead actively take part in it.

 Enrico Weigelt, metux IT service -- http://www.metux.de/

 phone:  +49 36207 519931  email: weig...@metux.de
 mobile: +49 151 27565287  icq:   210169427         skype: nekrad666
 Embedded-Linux / Portierung / Opensource-QM / Verteilte Systeme

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