On 17-06-2010 11:51, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Thu, 17 Jun 2010 02:32:51 +0200
> Sebastian Pipping <sp...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> I wouldn't feel to bad if Gentoo is widely recognized as the
>> distribution with the most friendly community around in 2011.
> Wouldn't you rather it be recognised as the distribution with the best
> product?

When I read that, the first question that was raised on me was:
- The best product for what, whom?
We can't simply put all possible Gentoo applications and users in one bag.

Is it really good to think on Gentoo as a product? Can we do like Apple
and treat our users like crap while still making them use our product?
Unless we provide locking, GNU/Linux users will always have a choice.
That choice can be to join the Gentoo community, or leave it.

- Angelo

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