
On 06/06/10 04:01, Thomas Sachau wrote:
> [..] so even if it is not pulled in during installation, it will be pulled in 
> during world update.

sounds right.  Preventing this requires either masking or a
dont-pull-uninstalled-slots switch for portage (which I am not
suggesting), right?

So that means Python-3 is pulled in on world update no matter what
version the eclass makes packages depend on, right?

> Since python-3* is currently useless and not required for any package, the 
> dependency should by
> default only pull in python-2* like this:
> =dev-lang/python-2*
> With that, the default way would not pull in a package, which is not needed 
> or used. And if there
> will be any package, which really requires python-3*, it simply requests it 
> in (R)DEPEND of the
> ebuild, which then would overwrite the default value of the eclass and pull 
> in python-3*.

That's an interesting idea.

Leaving potential non-portage Gentoo setups aside for the moment is
there a case of a Gentoo with Python 3.x only where it would be forced
to install 2.x then without reason, too?

I still wonder how it would prevent the update-world-pulls-py3k case.
Would it?  If not, would it still be of help?

> Are there any reasons to pull in a package, which is not requested by the 
> user, not required by any
> package and by default not used by any package?

That a question I haven't seen answered before, either.  Arfrever?


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