On Thu, May 06, 2010 at 04:06:39AM +0200, Sebastian Pipping wrote:
> .. and that they need to be split smartly to keep each working in a
> shared codebase.  python modules and three entry point scripts on it
> could work.
+1 on that.

>      package_pattern =
> re.compile('\\b(?P<category>[a-z0-9_+-]+-[a-z0-9_+-]+)/(?P<package>[a-z0-9_+-]+(?:[a-z_+]+[0-9]+|[a-z0-9_+-]+[a-z+]+))')
- Fails to match category 'virtual'.
- That PV matching looks really fishy.
- I would probably just steal the pkgatom stuff from pkgcore/Portage, as
  that's already a fairly canonical regex.

>  - If you stick with the original pattern, this patch may still help:
> http://git.goodpoint.de/?p=eassign.git;a=commitdiff;h=7ad3cd607589aba7a1528dbd0744a942d18065eb
I think most of this might have already from from one the above.

> > How is it integrated into workflow?
> > ===================================
> > [..]
> > 5. Javascript then appends the server results into the "Additional
> >    Comments" box: a suggested assignee and suggested CC values, with logic
> >    as to why.
> assign.py does not explain reasoning, yet.
Ok, major todo on adding it, see below for why.

> > Assignment/CC computing:
> > ========================
> > Step 1 - Summary line processing
> > --------------------------------
> > [..]
> > 3. Process ALL atoms in the summary line, using any after the first for CC
> >    only. (new in v4)
> I'm unsure about the handling of order:
> it wouldn't work well for "dependency foo/bar missing on foo2/bar2".
That's part of why the reasoning output was needed.
The full output for that should be something like:
To: $ADDR1
Ignoring: $ADDR4, $ADDR5

For foo/bar:
To: ...
CC: ...
Ignoring: ...

For foo2/bar2:
To: ...
CC: ...
Ignoring: ...
(optionally with some CLI options to say give only the combined

> > Step 2 - Metadata.xml contains only a herd
> > ------------------------------------------
> > 1. Take the herd element, and look up the herd in herds.xml to convert
> >    to an email address. This email address must be a valid bugzilla
> >    account.
> This may need a replacement map.  Think media-video versus video,
> perl-bugs versus perl, etc.
I'm saying the replacement map IS from the herds.xml data. For herds
that have multiple emails (normal mail vs. bugzilla address), we really
need to find a way to document both of them in herds.xml.

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux: Developer, Trustee & Infrastructure Lead
E-Mail     : robb...@gentoo.org
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