On 03/10/2010 04:42 PM, Duncan wrote:
So a gmail account is now considered mandatory for Gentoo devs, at least
if they want calendar access?

What about those who might think that Google knows enough about them with
search and the web crawling and database correlation Google does, and
whatever ad serving might leak thru, and object to having a gmail account
on principle?

Honestly, Google calendar works well enough that I'm not sure that I like the idea of re-inventing the wheel. Maybe if somebody designed some kind of open calendar access protocol that was comparable.

If you don't like Google tracking all that you do, create a gmail account and don't use it for ANYTHING but Google Calendar. That will greatly limit the amount of database correlation they can do.

If somebody has a suggestion for a reasonable multi-user calendaring infrastructure that has reasonably close feature parity and isn't a bear to maintain I'm sure it would be considered.


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