On 03/04/10 12:53, Ben de Groot wrote:
Exactly. The last time I owned a printer is over 5 years ago. So I don't
think cups warrants to be in the standard desktop profile.


I print almost daily, but I'm not sure if printers are commonplace
enough for cups to be a default. Some users may expect it though.

As for the circular deps, it would seem more logical to fix the problem at the source, rather than to cover it up for one subset of users.

I can't think of anyone that doesn't have a printer. All my friends and family that has a computer has a printer. Heck, I had a printer hooked up to my old Vic-20 for goodness sake. That was over 20 years ago.

He wants to remove the USE flag so that it hides the fact it is not really fixed. If a person does their install as they should, the problem will be right there for them to deal with. Of course, the user will the one getting pointed at since they added the flag. It takes the problem off the people that created it and adds it to the user. That is not how it should be fixed.


:-)  :-)

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