Am Donnerstag, den 04.02.2010, 22:37 +0100 schrieb Tiziano Müller:
> While some people already discovered the upstream metadata tags, there
> are only 8 ebuilds using them so far. Mostly I am to blame for that,
> since I forgot to send out a proper announcement. While all the required
> information can be found in the Developer Handbook [1], here is a short
> summary:
> The upstream tags are meant as a way to track information about
> upstream, like:
> - the upstream status (can make treecleaners lives easier)
> - online documentation links (a shortcut for the user)
> - not-so-obvious contact/bug-reporting information
> - id of a hosting or indexing site (automated version bump checks)
> - their alignment (mostly chaotic-neutral ;-)
> An example (copied from GLEP 46 [2] itself):
> <upstream>
>     <maintainer status="inactive">
>         <name>Foo Bar</name>
>         <email></email>
>     </maintainer>
>     <maintainer status="active">
>         <name>Foo Gentoo</name>
>         <email></email>
>     </maintainer>
>     <changelog></changelog>
>     <doc lang="en"></doc>
>     <doc lang="de"></doc>
>     <bugs-to></bugs-to>
>     <remote-id type="freshmeat">foobar</remote-id>
>     <remote-id type="sourceforge">foobar</remote-id>
> </upstream>
> Please note:
> - the <maintainer> tag in <upstream> is only for specifying an upstream
> maintainer name and e-mail address and does not specify the ebuild
> maintainer (although it may be the same if you decide to become
> upstream).
> - the type attribute for <remote-id> is currently one of (freshmeat|
> sourceforge|cpan|vim), send a mail to gentoo-dev before adding
> additional sites
> - the data in the <remote-id> tags is an id which uniquely identifies
> the project on that site:
>     - for type="vim": the script_id (example: 2586)
>     - for type="freshmeat": the project name (example: aria2)
>     - for type="sourceforge": the project name (example: liferea)
>     - for type="cpan": the module name (example: Pod-Index)

Other sites I'd like to add:
- pypi
- google-code
- ctan ... if someone can identify a key for packages



Tiziano Müller
Gentoo Linux Developer
Areas of responsibility:
  Samba, PostgreSQL, CPP, Python, sysadmin, GLEP Editor
E-Mail   :
GnuPG FP : F327 283A E769 2E36 18D5  4DE2 1B05 6A63 AE9C 1E30

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