
On Sun, 17 Jan 2010, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> > 1) portage/pkgcore support the PMS defined vdb2 while paludis doesn't
> > 2) portage/pkgcore are invoked modifying the livefs; vdb1, vdb2 is
> > updated.
> > 3) paludis is invoked.  vdb1 is updated, vdb2 is not
> > 4) portage and pkgcore now cannot rely upon vdb2, since vdb1 now
> > contains extra modifications due to paludis not supporting vdb2.
> No, we'd not do it that way. If we're ditching VDB, the only sane way
> to do it is to ditch it with an rm -fr when creating the new layout.
> Keeping two sets of data around is going to lead to breakage no matter
> how well we do things.

Please also provide a downgrade path, i.e. a way to go back from
the new DB version to the current one should it be necessary (if
there is no such path, Murphy will see to it that the new format
breaks in interesting[0] ways).

Just my 0.0139304869 Euros (at current exchange rate),

[0] Chinese-style interesting

printk("whoops, seeking 0\n");

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