
Ciaran McCreesh <ciaran.mccre...@googlemail.com>:

> Since kdebuild-1 is to be removed from PMS immediately, it's going to
> go from Paludis in the next release too. We need to warn users about
> this, since they'll no longer be able to uninstall kdebuild-1
> packages they have installed. Please review the following GLEP 42
> news item for this:

 As we cannot be sure that a former GenKDEsvn user still uses some of
the KDE overlays, putting that news item in the main tree seems ok.
Although it is a special case.  You have a committer for this?

> The Gentoo Council has decided that all mention of the kdebuild-1 EAPI
> is to be removed from the Package Manager Specification immediately.

 How many users will care what the PMS is?  And why is a cleaned up
specification breaking your implementation?  Tell them that kdebuild-1
has reached its end of life and support will phase out.


Christian Faulhammer, Gentoo Lisp project
<URL:http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/lisp/>, #gentoo-lisp on FreeNode


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